Minutes of the Johnson County, Tennessee Claims Commission 1868
© 1999, J. C. Weaver, M. F. Katzman
Editor's note: The original page done by Mary Floy may be accessed HERE . My eyes are not quite as sharp as hers, so I enlarged the type on this updated page for easier reading. You may also go to the original page and hit [CTRL and +] to enlarge.
This record, obtained from the Johnson County, Tennessee Court House by Mary Floy Katzman in October 1999, is at first glance trivial. However, it contains a record of losses (or claimed losses) by Johnson County, Tennessee citizens during the American Civil War. Johnson County was highly Unionist in political sentiments, but it was garrisoned by Confederate troops for most of the war, thus a high proportion of claims by "Rebels." It should be noted that all these claims were approved by a County Claims Commission, which was composed of Lafayette Jones, Daniel Slemp and R. L. Wilson. This commission operated under a Tennessee law passed on February 19, 1868. This record was completed in the spring and summer of 1868. It should also be noted that all of the claims presented below were approved by the County Board. It is unknown whether or not they were approved by the State of Tennessee or ultimately paid or not. I am unaware of futher records relating to this minute book.
Items included in this record are the date, the claim number, name of the claimant, the total amount claimed, the town (all of which were listed as Taylorsville and ommitted from this abstract, names of witnesses, amounts due from the "General" or United States Government. This is subdivided into Quartermaster stores, Commissary Supplies, damages and wages. Following the amounts for the General government are three columns for losses on "Rebel Account", specifically Quartermaster stores, Commissary Supplies and damages. The final column notes the action of the County Commission. All of the claims were approved at this level, and this column has been omitted to save space.