This volume will be of great interest to members and friends of the First Baptist Church, Mountain City, TN.
Many long hours of research have gone into the collecting of names of the members of our church.
Since that small group of charter members braved the hardships of the wilderness to establish a gospel witness in a dark and uncertain frontier land, more than a thousand people have been received into the fellowship of the First Baptist Church.
A special word of appreciation goes to Carol (Mrs. Theodore) Shores for her untiring labors in the research and printing of this volume. Her work will be invaluable to future historians, genealogists and chroniclers as they seek to learn more of the past.
E.E. Carrier, Pastor
First Baptist Church
April, 1979
History of the First Baptist Church of
Mountain City, Tennessee
Dr. E.E. Carrier, Pastor

Historical Sketch
The First Baptist Church of Mountain City is the oldest congregation in Johnson County, Tennessee.
The church was founded on April 20, 1794, at the foot of Rainbow Mountain, the left fork of Roan Creek, as the Roan Creek Church of Christ. The mother congregation was the Three Forks Baptist Church, Watauga County, North Carolina.
The congregation has met in two different locations and three houses of worship. The first house of worship was a log building at the foot of Rainbow Mountain. In 1843 the congregation moved into the new town of Taylorsville and built a house of worship, which is the site of the present location. The small brick building was the meeting house of the congregation until 1851, when the building was razed and the present building was built.
The first elected officers of the church in 1794 were Benjamin Brown, moderator; William Jackson, clerk; George Brown, elder; and James Tompkins, pastor.
The First Baptist Church was one of the original twelve churches that organized the Watauga Baptist Association in 1868. As a cooperating congregation of the Watauga Baptist Association, the Tennessee Baptist Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention, the membership supports programs of evangelism, education and medical missions to reach the multitudes at home and abroad with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
As long as the Lord tarries in His coming, our prayer is that our church shall always preach the fundamental truths of the Holy Bible, be evangelistic in its outreach and remain a house of prayer for all the people. The greatest legacy that we can leave to our children and our children's children is a strong New Testament Church proclaiming the message of life, light and liberty.
Charter Members of Roan Creek Church of Christ in 1794
Adkins, Polly Crosswhite, T.J. McQueen, Barbary Shown, Susanna
Allen, Isaiah L. Crosswhite, William Jr. Milling, Elizabeth Stalcup, Polly
Arnold, Hanah Crosswhite, William Sr. Mitchel, Barbary Stout, D.M.
Arnold, M.L. Dodrose, Joanna Mitchel, William M. Stout, David M.
Black, John Fare, Eli Moore, Catherine Stout, Elizabeth B.
Blevins, William D. Farmer, Jessee Moore, John Stout, Esther
Bradfute, Louisa Farmer, Nancy (2) Moore, Rufus, Clerk Stout, John H.
Brown, George Gentry, Rhodicy Morley, Nancy Stout, Marelda
Brown, Sarah Hawkins, E. Morris, Sarah Stout, Martha
Campbell, Dosha Hawkins, R.W. Morton, D.F. Stout, Ruth
Campbell, John Heath, Levi Osbourn, Lydia Stout, Sarah Jr.
Campbell, N.R. Heath, Nancy Osbourn, Urania Stout, Sarah Sr.
Casly, T.D. Heaton, John G. Rilly, John B. Stout, Sary
Cook, Lane Y. Hinshaw, Jessee Roberts, Jacob Wagnar, Mary
Cress, Uri Hinshaw, Polly Roberts, Lurany Wagner, Mathias M.
Crosswhite, Abraham Johnrose, Louisa Roberts, Theodora Wagner, Noah J.
Crosswhite, Delila Johnson, Barbary Roberts, William Widby, Elizabeth
Crosswhite, Elizabeth Johnson, Mary Robinson, Catherine Widdby, William
Crosswhite, George Johnson, Polly Robinson, Daniel Williams, Elizabeth (2)
Crosswhite, Jessa Low, Abraham Robinson, Susan Wilson, Elizabeth
Crosswhite, Nancy (2) Low, Polly Ross, James Wilson, Rachel
Crosswhite, Rose Low, Uni Shoun, Joe
Crosswhite, Ruben Maddron, Ann Shoun, John S.l
Crosswhite, Sarah Masgrave, Elizabeth Shown, Barbary (2)
Crosswhite, Susanna McQueen, Abigail Shown, Leonard
Many thanks go to Thomas W. Gentry for sending this booklet to me. It contains names as early as 1794 who were charter members of the Roan Creek Church of Christ and those added later. This is invaluable since Tennessee did not become a state until two years later in 1796. The only basic change I've made to the lists of members is alphabetizing them.
I didn't find my Samuel or Hannah McQueen in the list, but I hope you find your ancestors.