Sarah DOTSON Davis and family
The lady in the dark dress is Sarah E Dotson Davis (1845-1925) the daughter of Allen and Delilah Pearce Dotson and the wife of John B Davis.She lived her entire life in Trade. She had three children: Mattie Caralyn (info below), Nannie Davis Bumgardner (1869-1934), and James A. Davis (1871-1904).
Second from the left is Sarah is her daughter Mattie DAVIS Miller, wife of David F Miller (born in Meat Camp NC, 1868 – 1920).
To the far left is Mattie’s daughter (and Sarah’s granddaughter), Myrtle Alma Miller Meade (1900-1984). She married T R Meade and lived in Abingdon VA.
In the middle is Mattie’s daughter Carrie Mabel Wallace (1906-1998), wife of Fred Wallace of Trade.
To the far right is Thelma Iva Lee Miller Potter (1902-1995) also of Trade. She married Daniel Marvin Potter (1895-1957).