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First Methodist Church Windows

Those Lovely Lights Those Windows of the Soul

A pamphlet, dated June 2, 1996, among other things describes the beautiful stained glass windows, who presented them (where stated) and in whose memory they were restored. This gives names of some of the early members of the church.

  1. ADAMS, Leslie, Frances Mae BROOKS, Roby EASTRIDGE and Vance EASTRIDGE - restored in honor of

  2. BROWN, Asa Eugene - restored in loving memory

  3. BUNDY, Dr. Paul J. and Catherine C. - restored in loving memory

  4. BUTLER, Dr. James Roderick and Dr. Harry Shelton SMYTHE - in loving memory

  5. BUTLER, Samuel D. and Leilia K. - restored in loving memory

  6. CRESS, Eugene and Georgia W. - restored in memory

  7. DONNELLY, R. Hamilton - presented in memory of and restored in memory of Thomas A. and Emma D. WILLS.

  8. DONNELLY, Thomas R. and Cora D. - in loving memory

  9. FARRIS, Maurice Edward and Nora Guthrie Farris - restored in loving memory and donated by the Sunday School classes of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

  10. FAW, Rebecca - presented in loving memory of and restored in loving memory of William Joseph MUSE

  11. GRAYSON, J. Luke and Bess Payne - restored in honor of

  12. GRAYSON, Thomas R. and Grace Todd and Paul T. EVERETT - restored in loving memory

  13. HAWKINS, William W. and Cora W., Fred G. HAWKINS, Maxie H. DONNELLY and Louise H. CABANESS - in loving memory

  14. JOHNSON, Arthur Glen and Oma Payne - restored in loving memory

  15. JOHNSON, Orville E. and Bee - restored in loving memory

  16. JONES, Beatrice R. - restored in loving memory

  17. McQUEEN, Marcus H. and Myrtle G. - restored in loving memory

  18. MURPHY, Kate and John W. SMYTHE and family - restored in loving memory

  19. MUSE, Margaret Berry - restored in loving memory, presented by the Woman's Missionary Society in 1904

  20. MUSE, Margaret Berry - restored in loving memory

  21. MUSE, Margaret Berry - restored in loving memory of and donated by the Sunday School classes of the Methodist Episcopal Church 

  22. NAVE, Parlee Donnelly - restored in loving memory

  23. SMITH, David Glen - restored in loving memory and donated by the Sunday School classes of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

  24. SMYTHE, Thomas S. and Margaret C. - presented in loving memory and restored in loving memory of Emeline SMYTHE REECE and in honor of Daniel P. REECE

  25. SUTHERLAND, Joseph A. - presented in loving memory by his family and restored in loving memory by his grandchildren.

  26. SUTHERLAND, Joseph - restored in loving memory

  27. RAMBO, Willie McQuown Sutherland - restored in loving memory

  28. WALSH, May Wills - restored in loving memory 

  29. WILLS, Lewis Karl and Kate P. - restored in loving memory

  30. WILLS, Peter and Sophia F. - presented in loving memory and restored in loving memory by descendants

  31. WILLS, Russell and Elizabeth R. - restored in loving memory

Research for this was done by Louise Walsh Jones, one of the church's historians.

Logo by Pamela Cresswell

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